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Elevation statistics, facts

On elevation.city there are exactly 134,954 cities with average elevation of 396.36 meters = 1300 feet. Capitals has average elevation of 322.92 m = 1059 ft. 8.3% of cities has average altitude between 5 and 14 meters (see the graph). Interesting fact is that 2.3% of cities (3064 city from our database) are around sea level, between -5 and 4 m (*but this doesn't mean, that they are located next to the sea).

Cities with highest elevation (in our database):

Cities with lowest elevation:

Capitals with highest elevation:

Capitals with lowest elevation:

Countries with maximal highest points:

Countries with highest minimal elevation:

Country with maximal average main elevation: Bhutan 3,280 m = 10,761 ft

Countries with most cities in the database:

Countries with highest average city elevation:

Values from graph on index page:

meters city elevation land elevation Ratio City/Land
-500..-1 0.29047% 0.89641% 24.5 / 75.5%
0..499 76.27932% 52.97355% 59 / 41%
500..999 12.65616% 18.70749% 40.4 / 59.6%
1000..1499 4.36519% 10.55028% 29.3 / 70.7%
1500..1999 2.96101% 4.80669% 38.1 / 61.9%
2000..2499 1.96808% 3.32348% 37.2 / 62.8%
2500..2999 0.89512% 2.61201% 25.5 / 74.5%
3000..3499 0.29936% 2.20918% 11.9 / 88.1%
3500..3999 0.19710% 1.41560% 12.2 / 87.8%
4000..4499 0.06298% 0.89651% 6.6 / 93.4%
4500..4999 0.02223% 0.54512% 3.9 / 96.1%
5000..5499 0.00222% 0.64806% 0.3 / 99.7%
5500..5999 0.00074% 0.32690% 0.2 / 99.8%
6000..6499 0% 0.07852% 0 / 100%
6500..6999 0% 0.00924% 0 / 100%
7000..7499 0% 0.00072% 0 / 100%
7500..7999 0% 0.00018% 0 / 100%
8000..8499 0% 0.00004% 0 / 100%
8500..8999 0% 0.00001% 0 / 100%

Values for land elevation are calculated from SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) provided by NASA. Since data are provded on equirectangular map projection, where one tile (and pixel) has same vertical and horizontal dimension in DEGREES, but they are not equal to area measured in kilometers. Longitude length reduction is calculated in function from latitude with equation:
$longReduction = distance($Latitude,0,$Latitude,10) / distance(0,0,0,10);
This means length of 10° longitude at equator divided by 10° longitude at actual latitude position (closer to poles 10° is smaller than 10°at equator), where "distance()" is a function for calculation distance between two Lat,Long coordinates. Function is provided by 1km.net website.

Values for city elevation are calculated from all cities in database on this site.

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