Ejido del Tejocote (State of Mexico, Naucalpan de Juárez), Mexico elevation is 2501 meters and Ejido del Tejocote elevation in feet is 8205 ft above sea level [src 1]. Ejido del Tejocote is a populated place (feature code) with elevation that is 1187 meters (3894 ft) bigger than average city elevation in Mexico.
Below is the Elevation map of Ejido del Tejocote, which displays elevation range with different colors. Scale of the first map is from 2266 to 2748 m (7434 to 9016 ft) with average elevation of 2417.3 meters (=7931 ft) [note 1]
These maps also provides idea of topography and contour of this city, they are displayed at different zoom levels. More info about maps, scale and edge coordinates you can find below images.
\ | Map #1 | Topo.Map |
Scale [m] | 2266..2748 m | × |
Scale [ft] | 7434..9016 ft | × |
Average | 2417.3 m = 7931 ft | × |
Width | 9.21 km = 5.7 mi | 294.8 km = 183.2 mi |
Height | 9.21 km = 5.7 mi | 294.8 km = 183.2 mi |
↑Max Latitude | 19.526163° | 20.80493° |
Latitude at center | 19.48474° | 19.48474° |
↓Min Latitude | 19.443306° | 18.1537° |
← Min Longitude | -99.322415° | -100.68472° |
Longitude center | -99.27847° | -99.27847° |
→Max Longitude | -99.234525° | -97.87222° |
Cities around Ejido del Tejocote sort by population:
• Naucalpan de Juárez elevation 2300 m
4.1 km, 99°
• Ciudad López Mateos 2345 m
8.5 km, 15°
• San Francisco Chimalpa 2884 m
8.3 km, 235°
• Vista Hermosa 2296 m
6.8 km, 58°
• Santiago Tepatlaxco 2724 m
7 km, 260°
• San Luis Ayucán 2717 m
9 km, 278°
• Barrio San Miguel Dorami 2870 m
8 km, 237°
• La Rosa 2554 m
5.4 km, 270°
• Rincón Verde 2366 m
1.8 km, 314°
• Chimalpa Viejo 2893 m
7.9 km, 240°
• Ejido el Castillo 2548 m
6.1 km, 207°
• Llano de las Flores (Barrio del Hueso) 2615 m
7.1 km, 220°
En español:
Ejido del Tejocote elevación 2501 m.
En France:
Ejido del Tejocote élévation 2501 m.
Auf Deutsch:
Ejido del Tejocote höhe über dem Meeresspiegel ist 2501 m.
На русском:
Ejido del Tejocote высота над уровнем моря 2501 м
Sources and notes:
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This Ejido del Tejocote Elevation Map is licensed under CC BY-SA. You may reuse any part from this page, if you give a proper credit by linking to this URL:
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