Ketapang (Lampung), Indonesia elevation is 48 meters and Ketapang elevation in feet is 157 ft above sea level [src 1]. Ketapang is a seat of a third-order administrative division (feature code) with elevation that is 143 meters (469 ft) smaller than average city elevation in Indonesia.
Below is the Elevation map of Ketapang, which displays elevation range with different colors. Scale of the first map is from 28 to 80 m (92 to 262 ft) with average elevation of 51.1 meters (=168 ft) [note 1]
These maps also provides idea of topography and contour of this city, they are displayed at different zoom levels. More info about maps, scale and edge coordinates you can find below images.
\ | Map #1 | Topo.Map |
Scale [m] | 28..80 m | × |
Scale [ft] | 92..262 ft | × |
Average | 51.1 m = 168 ft | × |
Width | 9.74 km = 6.1 mi | 311.6 km = 193.6 mi |
Height | 9.74 km = 6.1 mi | 311.7 km = 193.7 mi |
↑Max Latitude | -4.669552° | -3.31058° |
Latitude at center | -4.71335° | -4.71335° |
↓Min Latitude | -4.757145° | -6.11329° |
← Min Longitude | 104.755595° | 103.39329° |
Longitude center | 104.79954° | 104.79954° |
→Max Longitude | 104.843485° | 106.20579° |
Cities around Ketapang sort by population:
• Terbanggi Besar elevation 29 m
49.9 km, 111°
• Kotabumi 37 m
15.4 km, 143°
• Bangunrejo 89 m
54.3 km, 150°
• Panaragan 14 m
40.8 km, 50°
• Blambangan Umpu 62 m
38.9 km, 307°
• Kasui 177 m
38.8 km, 269°
• Bara Datu 179 m
33.8 km, 264°
• Umbulan Kapiak 237 m
32.9 km, 245°
• Bukitkemuning 296 m
29.8 km, 236°
• Oganlima 121 m
20.2 km, 211°
• Pakuan Agung 23 m
18.9 km, 73°
• Negararatu 49 m
9.5 km, 312°
En español:
Ketapang elevación 48 m.
En France:
Ketapang élévation 48 m.
Sources and notes:
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