Home > Spain > Ríofrío de Aliste

Ríofrío de Aliste elevation

Ríofrío de Aliste (Castille and León, Provincia de Zamora), Spain elevation is 795 meters and Ríofrío de Aliste elevation in feet is 2608 ft above sea level [src 1]. Ríofrío de Aliste is a populated place (feature code) with elevation that is 192 meters (630 ft) bigger than average city elevation in Spain.

Below is the Elevation map of Ríofrío de Aliste, which displays elevation range with different colors. Scale of the first map is from 750 to 935 m (2461 to 3068 ft) with average elevation of 830.6 meters (=2725 ft) [note 1]
These maps also provides idea of topography and contour of this city, they are displayed at different zoom levels. More info about maps, scale and edge coordinates you can find below images.

#1 Ríofrío de Aliste elevation map:[src 2-3]
Ríofrío de Aliste elevation map
Ríofrío de Aliste Topographic map:[src 2-3]
Topographic map of Ríofrío de Aliste
Map data:
\ Map #1 Topo.Map
Scale [m] 750..935 m ×
Scale [ft] 2461..3068 ft ×
Average 830.6 m = 2725 ft ×
Width 7.28 km = 4.5 mi 233.1 km = 144.8 mi
Height 7.28 km = 4.5 mi 233.1 km = 144.8 mi
↑Max Latitude 41.849983° 42.8567°
Latitude at center 41.81724° 41.81724°
↓Min Latitude 41.78448° 40.76063°
← Min Longitude -6.221355° -7.58366°
Longitude center -6.17741° -6.17741°
→Max Longitude -6.133465° -4.77116°

Nearby cities:

Cities around Ríofrío de Aliste sort by population:

Rabanales elevation 835 m 11.7 km, 224°
Gallegos del Río 719 m 9.2 km, 178°
San Vitero 862 m 14.9 km, 252°
Ferreras de Abajo 823 m 12 km, 42°
Ferreruela 828 m 10.4 km, 122°
San Vicente de la Cabeza 764 m 6.1 km, 259°
Villardeciervos 856 m 16.6 km, 326°
Ferreras de Arriba 897 m 9.2 km, 351°
Samir de los Caños 792 m 16.1 km, 176°
Otero de Bodas 829 m 13.7 km,
Vegalatrave 691 m 14.3 km, 155°
Losacio 752 m 16.4 km, 136°


En español:
Ríofrío de Aliste elevación 795 m.

En France:
Ríofrío de Aliste élévation 795 m.

Auf Deutsch:
Ríofrío de Aliste höhe über dem Meeresspiegel ist 795 m.

На русском:
Ríofrío de Aliste высота над уровнем моря 795 м

Sources and notes:

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This Ríofrío de Aliste Elevation Map is licensed under CC BY-SA. You may reuse any part from this page, if you give a proper credit by linking to this URL:

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