Sevilla (Andalusia, Provincia de Sevilla), Spain elevation is 16 meters and Sevilla elevation in feet is 52 ft above sea level [src 1]. Sevilla is a seat of a first-order administrative division (feature code) with elevation that is 587 meters (1926 ft) smaller than average city elevation in Spain.
Below is the Elevation map of Sevilla, which displays elevation range with different colors. Scale of the first map is from -17 to 33 m (-56 to 108 ft) with average elevation of 13.5 meters (=44 ft) [note 1]
These maps also provides idea of topography and contour of this city, they are displayed at different zoom levels. More info about maps, scale and edge coordinates you can find below images.
\ | Map #1 | Map #2 | Topo.Map |
Scale [m] | -17..33 m | -17..144 m | × |
Scale [ft] | -56..108 ft | -56..472 ft | × |
Average | 13.5 m = 44 ft | 25.9 m = 85 ft | × |
Width | 7.77 km = 4.8 mi | 15.53 km = 9.6 mi | 248.5 km = 154.4 mi |
Height | 7.77 km = 4.8 mi | 15.53 km = 9.6 mi | 248.5 km = 154.4 mi |
↑Max Latitude | 37.417741° | 37.452635° | 38.49188° |
Latitude at center | 37.38283° | 37.38283° | 37.38283° |
↓Min Latitude | 37.347903° | 37.31296° | 36.25713° |
← Min Longitude | -6.017115° | -6.061061° | -7.37942° |
Longitude center | -5.97317° | -5.97317° | -5.97317° |
→Max Longitude | -5.929225° | -5.885279° | -4.56692° |
Cities around Sevilla sort by population:
• Mairena del Aljarafe elevation 70 m
9.1 km, 242°
• Camas 11 m
5.7 km, 291°
• Tomares 76 m
6.5 km, 260°
• San Juan de Aznalfarache 55 m
6.3 km, 244°
• Bormujos 113 m
8.8 km, 263°
• Castilleja de la Cuesta 101 m
7 km, 272°
• La Algaba 11 m
9.5 km, 339°
• Gines 119 m
9.2 km, 272°
• Gelves 8 m
7.1 km, 221°
• Santiponce 12 m
8.4 km, 314°
• Valdezorras 24 m
6.6 km, 38°
• Castilleja de Guzmán 135 m
7.8 km, 292°
En español:
Sevilla elevación 16 m.
En France:
Séville élévation 16 m.
Sources and notes:
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