Home > Spain > Espeja de San Marcelino

Espeja de San Marcelino elevation

Espeja de San Marcelino (Castille and León, Provincia de Soria), Spain elevation is 1027 meters and Espeja de San Marcelino elevation in feet is 3369 ft above sea level [src 1]. Espeja de San Marcelino is a seat of a third-order administrative division (feature code) with elevation that is 424 meters (1391 ft) bigger than average city elevation in Spain.

Below is the Elevation map of Espeja de San Marcelino, which displays elevation range with different colors. Scale of the first map is from 951 to 1284 m (3120 to 4213 ft) with average elevation of 1065.4 meters (=3495 ft) [note 1]
These maps also provides idea of topography and contour of this city, they are displayed at different zoom levels. More info about maps, scale and edge coordinates you can find below images.

#1 Espeja de San Marcelino elevation map:[src 2-3]
Espeja de San Marcelino elevation map
Espeja de San Marcelino Topographic map:[src 2-3]
Topographic map of Espeja de San Marcelino
Map data:
\ Map #1 Topo.Map
Scale [m] 951..1284 m ×
Scale [ft] 3120..4213 ft ×
Average 1065.4 m = 3495 ft ×
Width 7.28 km = 4.5 mi 233.1 km = 144.8 mi
Height 7.28 km = 4.5 mi 233.1 km = 144.8 mi
↑Max Latitude 41.835021° 42.84197°
Latitude at center 41.80227° 41.80227°
↓Min Latitude 41.769503° 40.74542°
← Min Longitude -3.266245° -4.62855°
Longitude center -3.2223° -3.2223°
→Max Longitude -3.178355° -1.81605°

Nearby cities:

Cities around Espeja de San Marcelino sort by population:

San Leonardo de Yagüe elevation 1045 m 13.1 km, 76°
Huerta del Rey 990 m 11.2 km, 291°
Hontoria del Pinar 1057 m 7.1 km, 44°
Fuentearmegil 985 m 10.2 km, 161°
Espejón 1034 m 4.4 km, 315°
Santa María de las Hoyas 1070 m 7.5 km, 117°
Alcubilla de Avellaneda 930 m 10.9 km, 218°
Coruña del Conde 900 m 14.5 km, 253°
Rabanera del Pinar 1091 m 10.4 km, 11°
Pinilla de los Barruecos 1090 m 14.5 km, 332°
Nafría de Ucero 1023 m 13.8 km, 129°
Cabezón de la Sierra 1022 m 14.8 km, 353°


En español:
Espeja de San Marcelino elevación 1027 m.

En France:
Espeja de San Marcelino élévation 1027 m.

Auf Deutsch:
Espeja de San Marcelino höhe über dem Meeresspiegel ist 1027 m.

На русском:
Эспеха-де-Сан-Марселино высота над уровнем моря 1027 м

Sources and notes:

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This Espeja de San Marcelino Elevation Map is licensed under CC BY-SA. You may reuse any part from this page, if you give a proper credit by linking to this URL:

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